Thursday, April 26, 2012

Beach Weather

Good morning, Baby Girl!  Please forgive me for slacking on posting on here.  Mother Nature has given us a most unusual springtime gift: a Florida cold front!  Unlike it's northern counterpart, a cold front in Florida is a welcome thing.  While it's been hot and almost summery down here lately, this week was a welcome change.  Windows and sliders wide open, morning and afternoon walks, sitting in the grass just to be outside.  You get the idea.  I'll finish up the post I started for you before these glorious days sidetracked me.  Here goes:

You and I have been inseparable for the past week.  Monday, you had your six month checkup (18!)...and shots.  I detest shots.  You are so trusting and I feel like I'm betraying your trust by letting them inject you with God-only-knows-what.  And rather than calm my fears, you are having a reaction to the MMR vaccine.  Your precious little skin is peppered with mini-measles.  Fortunately, you're not running a fever, but you just aren't yourself.  Needless to say, I'll be so happy when these infant immunizations are done.  

You found the bandaid!
The day before those icky shots was a good day, however.  Sunday we woke up to a splendid beach day.  The sun was out, the air was warm, but there was a refreshing breeze.  This was all good news because I had really counted on us ending the weekend on a high note.  It doesn't get much higher than babies sitting in tide pools, sisters building sand castles and being flanked by rainbow catamarans.  We packed up a cooler full of beach goodies and spent a half hour looking for a parking spot, but it was worth it.

You wasted no time shoving a fist full of sand into your mouth.  

Seriously, kiddo.  We'd only been there for two minutes.

And, as usual, you were happy just to be outdoors.

Diggin' the sand.  Literally and figuratively.
Sydney wore floaties to the beach.  Because she wanted to "swim".  Hey, I'm just glad she's loving the water these days.  Her scaredy cat days were kinda cute when she was smaller, but it's time to get that girl a board and at least do some body surfing.

Low tide is the best!
Sunscreen and sand-covered cuteness.

Building a castle...with a moat, of course.
Perfecting "The Wave".
Her hand-me-down swimsuit was a tad on the large side.  Trying to keep it in place was a full-time job.
Licking ice cubes to stay cool.  You LOVED this!
Penny for your thoughts, Love.
I'd say you enjoyed yourself.

We've also been trying to make up for the fact that we've been slacking on "tummy time" lately.  I didn't realize it until the doctor asked if you are rolling over.  You can, but you've stopped doing it.  Probably because it's quite a chore to get those thighs of yours over.  But probably also because you prefer to sit, so I don't lay you down very often anymore.

Getting back to basics.
Summer is fast approaching.  I have a list of "must-haves" in my head so that we'll be able to enjoy it properly.  With the quiet chaos that summer vacation brings, I don't want to miss out on some of the things I have planned for us.  Soon we'll pick up a tiny wading pool for you so we can make a homemade tide pool for you to splash in.  You will also require a pool float. That water may be too cold for your momma now, but pretty soon it's the only way we'll be able to stay outside for longer than ten minutes without melting.  Too bad Target doesn't have a "frequent shopper" card.  

Baby "muscles".  Watch out.
Well, now I can get around to uploading the million pictures I've taken while we've been enjoying the cooler weather.  I hate to see it go.  You and I will be leaving this house wide open until it hits 90 outside, or Daddy tells me to turn on the air conditioner...whichever comes first.  (Who am I kidding.  Your dad will probably be over my open window obsession by this afternoon.  It was nice while it lasted.)  I'll get busy preparing for much, much more of this:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Half Birthday!

Happy six months, to my little sunshine!  Friday you turned a half a year old!!  How on earth did this happen?  I had visions of baking a half a birthday cake or cutting brownies into a "6", but then I realized that since you can't eat them that they would be left for us to eat.  There's still too much Easter chocolate in this house to even consider baking right now.  So you'll have to settle for some sweet pictures of yourself with plastic Easter eggs.  Bummer.  No brownies.  Next year.

Tuesday, Daddy surprised both of us with a quick overnight trip to the other coast.  We did some much-needed shopping for the family and the house, ate the best burger of my life, and basically just relaxed.  I slept better than I have since you were still a squiggly fetus.  A steamy bath in a whirlpool tub and a glass of wine will do that for a person.  You loved the breezy balcony and comfy bed.  And I'm pretty sure you were an Ikea fan, even though you were asleep for most of it.  You were amazing for the car ride though, making me think there may be more roadtrips in your future.

Hanging out on the balcony of the hotel room.
Taking in the view.
Playing on the hotel bed the next morning.
Friday was a milestone for you in more than one way.  It was also the longest you've ever been away from me, which is saying a lot, because you and I are kinda attached at the hip right now.  I volunteered for Sydney's field trip to the botanical gardens, and you stayed home with Daddy.  He's one of your favorite people, so I wasn't too worried about it.  He says you were a perfect angel.  You only cried when you were waiting in the car for Sydney and me to leave the school.  Sounds about right.

Today we attempted a garage sale in our yard.  Between Grandma's recent ability to let go of a few things and my spring cleaning, we had a decent amount of things out there.  But it was a bit of a long morning with not a ton of people stopping by.  You were a trooper though, hanging out with us the entire time, winning hearts and meeting neighbors.  We've lived her four years and I met more neighbors today than the entire four years combined.  

You, being better than expected at the garage sale.  And rockin' the Yankees hat.
And before we forget, it's time for:
What Finnlee is Digging: 6 Months

  • Rattles.  You are big into banging, swinging, pounding, shaking any and everything that makes its way into your tiny fist.
  • Anything crinkly.  The instant you hear anything that sounds like a plastic bag, you quickly find the source and see if you can grab it.  I have to be sure to keep grocery bags in the back or on the floor because you grabbed one that was on the seat beside you once...and that's a no-no.
  • Your rolling toy.  Not sure what it's called, but it's like a busy box, but on two "wheels" so you can push it and roll it.  It's funny to see how much you've changed in a month.  When I first gave it to you, you had no idea what to do with it.  Now that you're a full time "sitting baby", you push it around and poke at all of the buttons like you've known how to do it all along.
  • The Baby Bullet.  Well, actually, I love the Baby Bullet for the speedy, homemade baby food and storage options.  You mostly love the byproduct of it, which this week has been sweet potatoes, zucchini & yellow squash.  Yum!
  • iPhones.  Or pods.  Or pads.  Any and all flat-screened devices still command your attention.  Helpful, because you really don't love short car rides with lots of stops and starts.  But luckily you're easily distracted.
Showing the iPhone who's boss.
Your other new accomplishments are very cool things, like shaking your head "no" (not really "no"...just back and forth...but you do it at the funniest times), saying "mama" when you cry, and sitting without me worrying about you toppling over anymore.  You also push up on your knees when you're on your tummy, but your arms haven't gotten involved in the "pushing up" at all, so no crawling yet.  And that's fine by me.  I'm in no hurry to see you grow up.  I'm enjoying your tiny days more than you'll ever know.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Finnlee's First Easter

Happy 1st Easter, my little Peanut.  The Easter Bunny brought you some pretty headbands with obnoxiously large flowers (because the grandpas at the grocery store apparently can't see the small flower ones when they ask how old "he" is).  You also got a new rattle shaped like a giant diamond ring.  You seem to like it a lot because you're very into banging things around right now.  You found the excitement of Easter morning very intriguing, and you were dying to get your little hands on some Easter grass!

B.I.T. (Bunny in Training)
Chomp.  Chomp.
We finished off Spring Break with some pool visits.

Dying eggs with friends at the park.

And taking in the sunset.

The walkway was much more magnificent than the actual sunset that night.
Checking out the wet sand.
You've also been expanding your food horizons.  Daddy brought home a Baby Bullet and I've been reading up on baby food recipes.  You had pureed sweet potatoes today.  We have lots of new flavors in your future.  I am loving being able to control the quality and freshness of your food.  

Well, we're at the bottom of the post.

And that's the end.

Yes.  You have a bunny tail.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's crazy late here.  Well after midnight.  For some reason, twice today, I've come across blog posts from mommas who have lost a baby just before birth.  Why I found those posts, I don't know.  I do know I've been sitting here, crying my eyes out, trying to imagine what these women have been through and how they managed to find the strength to go on.  I stared at you, sleeping so sweetly.  Your chest rising and falling.  Your cheeks all rosy- just as they should be.  And I feel the most intense gratefulness that you are here.  That you are healthy.  That you have three older sisters.  I am beyond thankful for our family.  I feel silly for the time I spent today doing anything other than being in the moment and enjoying these child-filled days.  It's amazing how some tears can shift your perspective.  I don't have a post full of pictures to put up right now.  Just a post full of gratitude.  I am honored to be your mommy.  It floors me that I get the awesome responsibility of bringing you up to be the amazing young woman you are destined to be.  May I never take that for granted.  Not even for a moment.  I am crazy about you, you fuzzy-haired, chubby-cheeked, grunting, sitting, waving, giggling bundle of joy!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break is finally here, and your sisters have enjoyed having so much time with you.  I've never seen kids so excited about making a baby laugh.  You've been a constant case of hiccups, but you don't seem to be complaining.

So easily amused.  For now.
We've been enjoying the company of friends who are visiting from Colorado.  We spent one day lounging at the beach and another eating gelato downtown.  Do you know what's wrong with that sentence?  Not. A. Thing.  Well, except maybe that they had to fly in from Colorado to be able to visit.  I would love to have them closer.  

Arriving in style
Beach Baby
Building a wall of seaweed.  I didn't ask why.  But Rylan and Edie were helping the cause (see below).

We already miss those girls!  Come back to Florida soon!!

Gelato date.

Big sisters rock.

Playing by the fountain.

You were really digging the beach.  Just chilling in the shade.  We brought your Bumbo with us (it's totally washable and waterproof, right?), and you just hung out in it for a while.  You weren't even the littlest one there.  Another childhood friend of mine brought her three-week-old baby girl.  She was one of the tiniest babies I've ever seen.  I have never had one of those.  A tiny baby.  I couldn't stop taking pictures of her little peanut of a baby.  You only managed to get your feet sandy and never touched the water.  It's still too chilly.  Next time. We'll bring your daddy next time and I'll have some backup.  I think I was a little crazy taking a kid and a baby to the beach by myself.  Thank goodness for the extra hands of friends!

Sandy toes.
You've been sitting up like mad lately.  You're even catching yourself when you start to fall over and trying to pull yourself back to sitting if you fall backwards.  It won't be long before you are sitting on your own without the padding that I'm always spreading all around you.  You also just started really investigating these hands and fingers of yours.  You were stretching your left arm out all day yesterday.  It looked like you were raising your hand in class.  But eventually I noticed you were waving your fingers and staring at your hand while you did it.  Then today, you absolutely, full-on waved to your dad.  Then your sister...twice.  Then your dad again.  You are waving!!!  Amazing!  I love watching you slowly extend that chubby arm and glance at your fingers to make sure they're moving the way you think they are.  I'm wondering if you'll be a lefty like your grandma.  You are just blowing my mind, little one!

Little waver!
Last Friday you had your first taste of kindergarten.  I volunteered in Sydney's class because they had a busy day of tie-dying shirts, making hats, dying Easter eggs and an egg hunt scheduled.  You tagged along and managed to become the center of attention.  The downside is that you ended up with a cold.  Again.  Those kindergarteners are germy little things.  The first cold you caught was shortly after we visited Sydney's school for lunch.  I think you'll be banned from any further school visits until next year.

Sick baby.
We have more fun coming up this week.  Egg dying tomorrow.  A visit to the children's museum on Friday (daddy bought us an annual pass!), and your very first Easter!  Fun stuff.