Your new bed. Looks comfy.
You like it! |
You have blossomed into quite the chatterbox. The things you say crack me up. My favorites are "I wuv woo" and "Nuggle" (snuggle...which is accompanied by a self-hug. Every time.) You could scrape me off the floor when you say these things, because I'm nothing but a melty puddle on the floor. You also repeat pretty much everything, but some of the things you are saying with tons of regularity are: "Hi, turtle!" to Crunchy, our turtle (and you take a fake can of peas from your kitchen set and pretend to shake food into his tank out of it), "Happy!", all fruit and vegetables are "apples", your sisters' names ("Nidnee", "YaYa", "Ayee"), almost all of the body parts: "eye", "nose", "mouth", "ear", "toes" etc. (but bellybutton sounds like "do do" and hair is "ew" know, because when you get a piece in your mouth you say "ewww").
Trying to catch up on pictures. This was from a park day in January.
Blowing bubbles in the park.
It's always breezy on Lake Avalon.
Just hangin' out.
Playing at the children's museum. Nice Mickey water painting, Syd!
You are finally old enough to participate. Grocery shopping at the museum.
Your favorite stop on our way outdoors: the Finnlee-sized bench.
Your stripey leggings are my favorite. |
You are adding new moves to your dance repertoire, and new foods to your diet. Currently, your favorite foods are apples, cheese, eggs with cheese, grits, banana yogurt, and pretty much anything that I am trying to eat. Oh, and chocolate. You love chocolate. Just in the past week, your tiny gums are exploding with new teeth. We've gone from six teeth to what seems like a million over night. There are more molars in there every time I look. And your smile is quickly becoming a toothy grin. Your hair is growing and looking rather bushy. Just today I felt that it is starting to get in your eyes. Time to buy some cute clips and make you wear them! We've made up a "big girl bed" for you, which is nothing more than a crib mattress on the floor. But we are using it for naps for now with the hope that eventually you will be able to sleep there at night. The too-big shoes that I felt silly for buying just months ago are now starting to fit. There's enough room to ensure you'll be wearing them at least this spring. But I'm already wondering what size you'll be in this summer and wanting to plan ahead. (Impossible!) I have even been working on plans for your second birthday party. I know, I know. It's more than seven months away. But if there's one thing I know with certainty, it's that time flies. It's March already. March! Wasn't it just New Year's? Like two posts ago?!
Stuck. And not happy about it.
A long-awaited visit from Amy, mommy's friend. Sooo much fun playing in the fountains.