Saturday, June 2, 2012


Holy baby tricks, Batman!  Did 7 months automatically flip "off" the infant switch and "on" the baby switch?  You are a variety show of brand new accomplishments these days.  We are putting some serious mileage on the video options of my phone and camera!  Just last week, you learned to play peek-a-boo (you are the one lifting blankets/pillows/dresses in front of your face and peeking out from behind them!), clap your hands (silently, but still), give high-fives, and you made a serious attempt at crawling!  You've even been doing this lip-smacking noise that I am going to assume is either a kiss or the beginnings of the word "ma-ma" until you prove me wrong.  

Around here, the school year is winding down.  Soon we can sleep in and wear our pj's until the sunshine convinces us to venture outdoors.  In many ways I love those lazy summer days.  I like having my girls at home.  I like making lunches that don't have to easily be packed into a lunchbox.  I like mid-week sleepovers and dinnertime swims.  And by the end of it, I am ready for the routine of school again.  The end of the school year brings its own brand of craziness to our house.  Finals, graduations, parties, teacher gifts, returning school books, concerts and plays, and the days of backpacks coming home overflowing with schoolwork and art projects that hadn't made it home before now.  It has my head spinning sometimes.  I'm looking forward to some down-time.  

In the meantime: 

Sydney's prize for winning a school fundraiser: Junior Media Specialist for a Day.  She was so excited!

You have been venturing into the world of finger foods.  Cantaloupe is pretty popular.

Sydney's school had their annual Spring Blast.  It was okay.  I wouldn't call it a "blast."  You weren't crazy about all of the screaming kids.  That's for sure.

Sydney got to ride a horse.  That's always a good day.

I think she liked it.
Horse lover, in theory.  She was a little spooked by the ponies in the petting area.
You spent a lot of time in our arms instead of the stroller.
Fingers make everything better.
We've also been spending a lot of time at the children's museum.

Buying "healthy" food.
Giving vegan jerky a try.
Then heading to the beach in time for sunset.
Despite the calendar, our family has declared that it is summer by resuming regular trips to our beloved beach.  The month of May was a soggy one and most of our beach runs turned into "us-against-nature" battles.  We were constantly dodging and out-running rainstorms.  The odds were in our favor though as we have Mother Nature beat, 2-1, so far.  

Rapidly approaching rain...again.
There's not much I enjoy more than the warm light of a sunset on my baby's skin.
Hammin' it up for the camera.
I think you love sunsets.
You love your daddy, too.
The storm started moving in.
Goodnight, sun.  See you tomorrow.

Then we wake up in the morning and migrate back to the beach.  Ahhh...summer.  

Our people: This is our camp-out for the day.
Pretty sister with messy hair.  She convinced me that she didn't need to brush it since we were going to the beach.
Debuting the bikini.
Favorite beach activity: wave jumping.
Love the reflection in your eyes.
Howdy, Miss.

We also discovered that, just like Kylee when she was a baby, you are hyper-sensitive to mosquito bites.  They swell up into blisters.  Luckily you are too young to scratch them.  But it has me concerned because supposedly it's a protein that's released when you are bitten that causes the reaction.  Your sister also had a milk protein allergy when she was little.  I have no reason to suspect they are related other than the "odd coincidence factor", but it's just one more hint that you may have this condition also.  I'm in no hurry to accelerate the introduction of dairy products.  Now what am I supposed to do about keeping away mosquitoes when we live in mosquito-heaven?

Blisters.  Ouch.
Poor baby.
I promise to try to catch up on this whole blogging thing.  Things should slow down around here eventually.  Right?

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