Friday, August 24, 2012

Back to School

I wrote this Tuesday, for the record, so the time doesn't line up (but I don't really feel like rewriting it).  That is just how slow I am at uploading photos.  I really need to streamline this process.  Since then, you have (finally!) gotten your first tooth!  It's not visible yet, and I'm pretty sure the one beside it is coming simultaneously.  But we can't call you toothless any longer!  Hopefully you are more adventurous in your food choices soon now that you have some chompers.  But for now, the back to school post:

Yesterday was a big day around here.  Sydney started first grade; Kylee started seventh.  The first day of school always brings with it such a massive adrenaline rush.  We all jump out of bed and smile through breakfast.  Nobody is griping about catching the bus or whining about being pulled from their warm bed...yet.  Lunches are packed the night before.  Backpacks are filled and supplies are labeled.  Outfits are laid out neatly, planned well in advance.  Unfortunately, this is not reality.  By next week, the newness will have worn off and we will be lucky if I remember to pack lunch before we set out for the bus that we will, undoubtedly, have to run to catch.  Ahhh...routine.  I have not missed you.  Well, hopefully we are a bit more organized this year.  But I say that every year.  You get pulled into the craziness, of course.  You have no choice.  You tagged along with Daddy and me as we walked Sydney to her classroom yesterday.  Elementary school kids always get walked in on their first day in our family.  Sydney greeted her teacher with a wooden (non-working) magnet, a hand-drawn (actually, traced) fish and something else that I can't recall at the moment.  The first of many heartfelt gifts, I am sure.  

First day of First Grade, homemade sign and all.
This is typical.
Kylee's first day wasn't quite as smooth.  She is unhappy with her schedule and I plan on doing my very best to make sure her school experience is the best it can possibly be this year.  I already have a call into the guidance counselor.  Yes, I am that mom.  I will always fight for my kids.  You will never doubt that I am behind you, one hundred percent.  Luckily, for now, that just means protecting you from strangers with overly-loud laughs and snuggling after you get shots.

Walking her to class.
Ready to do this!
Another reason that yesterday was huge around here had everything to do with your dad.  Recently, we've really buckled down on our diet.  There have been some pretty major lifestyle changes, brought on by some tests your dad had a few months ago.  We've really just done things we knew we should have done all along, but sometimes you need a push.  A follow-up appointment yesterday brought the amazing news that all of the effort we've been putting in had a major pay-off.  Dad's test results came back with a remarkable outcome.  His lab-work was so normal that even the doctor's can't believe it.  This is the stuff they write about in medical journals.  Total success story!  This may be a bit over your head by the time you can read this, but just know that it means that Daddy did everything he could to make sure he sticks around for you girls for a very, very long time.  I am so proud of him.  

Waiting for Sydney's bus.
Looks like it was a good day!
I'd like to tell you that the house is spotless and the laundry is caught up now that summer is over, but no such luck.  I am looking around at the clutter-magnet that is our home and wondering where to start.  You aren't exactly making it easy on me either because your nap schedule has been disrupted, and teething has been killer for you.  I will be really happy once those teeth pop through, and I never thought I'd say that as a breastfeeding mom.  I'm using all of my best tricks to soothe you.  Confession time: one of the sure-fire ways to stop the tears is to sing "your song" to you.  It just so happens that "your song" is a Barry Manilow tune where I've changed the name from "Mandy" to "Finnlee" in the chorus.  I have no idea why.  Once, when you were a newborn, I was trying to comfort you and out came "Oh, Finnlee..." and it worked.  I blame my mom for playing too much Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond during my youth.  Those songs are forever emblazoned in my mind.  Honestly, each of you girls have had "your songs"; Ashley's was "You Are My Sunshine", Kylee's was (and is) "Brown Eyed Girl" (although she got a lot of "You Are My Sunshine" also), Sydney's was "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" by Frankie Valli.  But for all of my baby-singing, you are the only one that it actually works for.  Your sisters are pretty famous for being very honest with me about my singing skills.  It never stopped the tears when they were babies, and now they all groan, "Mom!" when I start singing along with the radio.  Actually, Sydney once said to me, when she was about three and I was singing in the car, "Mom...shhhh...let the music do it."  Seriously.  So I love you for loving my singing.  I hope you're not tone-deaf, though.

My busy, busy girl.
It's been a typical, late summer, rainy morning so far, but I see the sun peeking through.  I plan on heading outside with you once your nap is over.  It's been breezy and almost pleasant in the shade.  Maybe I'll start a load of that laundry I mentioned above and head outside to paint some monograms for your room.  Yes, that sounds good.  Let's have a relaxed, but productive, day today.


  1. This is so funny! My three year old won't let me sing either. And even my baby doesn't like it. Glad I'm not the only one.

    1. That really is funny! And I thought I was the only one. It hasn't stopped me from singing in the car though.
