Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Berry Fun Halloween

Don't ask about the pine needle dangling from you.  I was letting you play with anything and everything to distract you from taking off your headband.
I may be stretching it a bit with that title up there.  Truth be told, Sydney takes after your aunt (my sister).  She is a holiday spoiler.  I never thought I could bring one into the world, but it appears I have.  When I was little, Christmas morning was magical.  My eyes would pop open all by themselves sometime just before sunrise.  I didn't need any time at all to "wake up" because instantly I knew it was Christmas.  Kids have a special sixth sense for these things, you know.  I would eagerly spring out of bed, trying not to wake my sleepy parents, and head straight for my stocking- the only thing that wasn't off limits before the folks woke up.  The only thing I'm leaving out of this little anecdote is the part about my sister.  Of course, I would never break the sibling code and raid my stocking alone.  But somehow I always had to wake her.  She didn't seem nearly as overjoyed about it as I would've expected, either.  Quite the opposite.  She would wake up a bit grouchy until I got it through to her that there were presents waiting just down the hall, if only she would get out of bed.  By the time my folks were awake she was looking pretty grumpy, and about halfway through present-opening she would be pouting in a corner or possibly even in tears.  It wasn't just Christmas either.  Halloween, Easter, even birthdays weren't safe.  All of our holiday photos seem to depict the same scene: overly bright-eyed me with a pouting, glaring little sister. 

Reclaimed, repurposed "Green" Fairy Costume!

Somehow this genetic defect has made its way to Sydney.  I can't recall a birthday or Halloween or any other holiday that didn't end in some sort of melt-down at some point.  This year it was over hair-brushing, made worse by the fact that her makeup was already in place and threatening to run down her face if she truly cried.  But, of course, she did.  By the time I took any pictures of you girls Sydney's face was streaky and her eyes were red.  But at least I took pictures.

Fighting back the tears.

Taller than a pumpkin!

To top it all off, you got a chicken pox vaccine a week before Halloween.  A mini chicken pox outbreak began to appear, primarily on your face just before the big day.  Combine that with a giant mosquito bite on your cheek, a dwindling cold and a mouthful of teeth just waiting to burst through your swollen gums and you have a recipe for disaster.  

I wasn't lying...look at those chompers coming in!

Flashback Alert: What a difference a year makes!

Hard to believe this is your second Halloween.  This is you, in all of your ballerina glory, at just 3 weeks old. 
Fortunately, Halloween was not a disaster at all.  It had hiccups, for sure.  But what day doesn't?  Your costume was very simple and completely homemade.  For some reason it occurred to me that you are quite berry-shaped in a onesie.  So I died a white onesie red (it actually came out watermelon-colored after a machine wash...oops).  I stitched on black seeds with embroidery thread and hoped and prayed nobody would think you were a watermelon.  Your leafy headpiece was made by freehanding some leaves onto felt, cutting them out, overlapping them and then sewing them to a Dollar Store headband.  The entire costume only cost about $4 to make (because I had the onesie).  It was very important to me not to make anything expensive since you surely won't need it again.  Now if only you would've left on the headband!

Walkin' berry well (I'm wearing out this joke.  Quickly.)

Constantly trying to remove your stem.
Your sisters had more extensive requests.  Sydney bypassed every dress-up item we have in favor of an ancient Tinkerbell-Princess dress that Ashley wore for Halloween at her age.  I waited until the last minute to pull it out of the closet to inspect it and foud that it had seen better days.  It took some doctoring just to make it slightly presentable.  But I love a challenge.  Thank goodness for leftover supplies from your party!  She ended up being a green and pink fairy and looked shimmery and beautiful...once the crying stopped.  Kylee's costume involved four trips to the store, despite my early reminders that I was not spending money on her costume.  Your dad shelled out money for quite a few things, including a wig she never wore...but that's a story for another day.  She ended up trick-or-treating with friends this year.  It's so strange to watch your sisters outgrow family things.  At least that is temporary.

Wondering why I've dressed you as food, I'm sure.

You love your Pop Pop!
We hit the Halloween jackpot this year, weather-wise.  A cold front blew through the day before, leaving the air nippy and requiring an extra layer of clothing that we usually never need.  You seemed curious, but not freaked out by the trick-or-treaters.  You were a trooper, and stayed awake till the end.  The candy intrigued you the most.  I'm pretty sure that you were quite disappointed that you didn't get your hands on any.  And no, your father and I didn't use you as bait for candy.  You just came along for the ride.  No trick-or-treating this year.  We met up with friends and family and scoured Grammy and Pop Pop's neighborhood (and you say "Pop Pop" now!  he is thrilled!) until we decided that the chili waiting for us in the crockpot at home sounded better than another Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.  (Chili is our traditional Halloween dinner as you will soon realize.)

Trick or Treat

It got a little chilly so I added leggings and a furry vest.  And then I compared you to a fuzzy, old strawberry on IG.  Sorry, kid!
Holding Daddy's hand.
 When it was all said and done, we returned home with a small mountain of candy, one very tired fairy and the cutest little strawberry I've ever seen.  Not bad for an evening's work.  Halloween used to feel like the kick-off to the fall Holiday Season, but lately it feels like the kickoff to Christmas.  I know it's around the corner, and I get giddy over Christmas carols and lights, but my favorite day is a week away.  Thanksgiving!  You, my solid-food-eater, will love Thanksgiving!  I am way behind on my posts.  Halloween was two weeks ago.  We just got back from celebrating Sydney's 7th Birthday at Disney.  Once I catch up, we can focus on the three days of baking, roasting, football and, yes, finally Christmas music, that is Thanksgiving in this house.  I hope we all slow down and truly reflect on what we are thankful for.  I certainly have been lately.  But we will save that for a future post.


  1. Ah!! LOVE this post! Those costumes were SO great. I especially love the berry. So simple yet so perfect. And seeing baby Finn?! Oh my word! So tiny and sweet. Love her smiling at her Pop Pop! hope that you have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Naomi, and family!

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! You always leave the most thoughtful comments, and I love them. Thanksgiving was relaxed and beautiful. I know your Thanksgiving was lovely as well. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces on IG. Now if only I could convince you to dust off the blog?

  2. ;) I'm still thinking about it. I'm almost there. :)

    1. Please let me know if and when you take that step. I want to be a reader!
