There have been many things that have gotten lost in the shuffle. Just regular days that we have enjoyed together, yet they didn't fit into the holiday posts. You do and say such funny things these days. For example "Brrrr" is a word. It means three things: cold, water and drink, just depending on the context in which it's used. You also started saying, "happy"...which understandably makes us very "happy!" You finally wear shoes, but only outdoors. As soon as we head indoors or into the car, you declare that they must come "Off!" Brushing our teeth is one of your favorite activities. We sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star two times and finish with a long "aaaarrre", which you and Sydney drag out as long as you can and giggle while polishing those front teeth one last time. It's little routines like that that I look forward to every morning and night.
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The day after your first birthday, you and I had a Finnlee & Mommy date at the park. |
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Some first steps outdoors. At first you were walking sideways, just like you did when you'd cruise the walls and furniture indoors. |
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Taken in October. I love when you do stuff like this (which is frequently). |
Starting to look big! |
Wearing your "Finn" shirt from mommy's friend, Amy. |
You and this backpack are pretty inseparable. |
We had a failed attempt at a family picture at the park. We will have to have a redo. |
You spent an entire day in a tutu. At your request. (Well you brought it to me and said "on.") |
What is this face?! |
Doing what all backpack-wearing fairy princesses do: digging moss & weeds out of the cracks in the sidewalk. |
Missing a tiara? |
Now you're just showing off. |
That lip! |
Leaves & acorns on bare feet have finally convinced you that shoes outdoors are a good idea. |
I know it looks like you're picking flowers, but you're probably putting them back. You really like "unpicking" flowers. |
Other days are spent trying things out for the first time:
Self-feeding. First time using a spoon all by yourself. Looks successful. |
The water table was a huge hit with both you and Sydney. |
You loved that you were allowed to play and splash as much as you wanted. This went on for two hours! |
This was *the day after Christmas*...note: shirtless, playing in water, and not even slightly cold. Sooo warm this year. |
Making a splash. |
Very determined pine seedling. |
The look you give me when you're about to put something questionable in your mouth. |
Messy playroom...but dancing! Just Dance Disney was a frequent choice during Christmas break. |
Writing a letter to her penpal in Spain, and using some of her new letter-writing supplies she received for Christmas. |
Sweaters for our lake walk. |
Boots and long sleeves...not summer attire! |
Sweater dresses. |
Back at the water table..told you it was a hit! |
Getting big. |
I think you mean business. |
Capping off the day at the park. |
Leaving daddy hanging. |
Jacket time. |