Monday, August 6, 2012

Keeping Up With You

So, I had a post all written out, just waiting for pictures.  And I scrapped it.  You are growing up so quickly that something I wrote two days ago is now old news.  I know you're baby #4 around here, but you are unlike any baby I've ever had.  I've never had a baby who sees an electric outlet and instantly feels the need to inspect it.  Your sisters never tried to escape from every grocery cart I ever placed them in.  And, believe it or not, none of them ever crawled.  Ashley was an early walker and just skipped the whole crawling-thing.  Kylee just scooted around on her rear until she was one.  And Sydney had an army-crawl-thing going on.  But, as of last night, you are officially our first true crawler.  You've been teasing us with it for a while now.  And you've been able to get around just fine without being on your hands and knees, so I wasn't sure if you were going to bother.  But because you are my inquisitive, mischievous child, it was the draw of my laptop cord that tempted you to bust out some epic crawling moves.  And just like that, you were off.

You are simply scrumptious.
Giggling with Daddy.

 I suppose your sisters were all pretty content babies.  They never really got into much, and my attempts at baby-proofing were pretty half-hearted, and as it turned out, unnecessary.  By contrast, I can't turn my back on you for a second.  I wonder what this says about you as a child.  As an adult.  And, most nerve-wracking, as a teenager.  I am going to go ahead and assume the best; that you will be ambitious, and curious, and full of determination.  In the meantime, I am exhausted.

New words are making their way to your lips these days, and some of them are sounding familiar.  Your use of "mama/mom-mom" and "dada" are always accurate now (except for when you purposely say the wrong name when prompted, and then laugh because you've learned that your sisters find this to be hilarious).  And you are either saying "night night" or "num num" when you're tired.  I'm not sure which, but either one makes sense.  I guess time will tell.


Lately we've spent a lot of time watching the Olympics, school shopping, and doing things like school haircuts and free zoo days.  I'm torn between the twinges of excitement I am beginning to feel about fall being around the corner and not being ready to see summer come to and end.  One thing I am getting excited about is the thought of your first steps being around the corner.  Being able to take walks side-by-side.  Seeing you take footsteps in the beach sand.  And just around the corner, really, your first birthday party.  Now that you are such a handful, I don't know when I'm going to get everything done that I've been planning for this party.  Naps?  We really need to increase the frequency and length of these naps.  Is that negotiable?  Why, oh why, didn't I get more done before you became mobile?  I have a feeling I'll be asking myself this about a lot of things very soon.  And now it's time for me to get some rest so I can keep up with you tomorrow.  Goodnight, my little monkey.  Make some mischief in your dreams.


  1. Found you on instagram! Thanks for the like on my picture. :). This is the sweetest post to your 4th baby! I love that even after 4 kids, you still keep these memories for your girls to look back on! I'm sure they will love to read these as they are older! Beautiful writing!

  2. Hi, Kelly! Thanks for the great comment. We haven't gotten many, and I'm glad I didn't miss it! I'm so glad you found Finn's blog. I hope all of my girls appreciate these memories someday. For now, I'm thoroughly enjoying documenting them.

  3. Such precious photos!!!! She is adorable!!!

  4. Thank you, so much! I take way too many photos, but somehow I don't think I'll be sorry. Thanks for saying "hi!"
