Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Baby Bear

Well, hello there my giant, growling, blondie baby!

What have we been up to this past week?  I really should implement a blogging schedule.  This waiting a week between posts isn't working out so well for me.  You are changing too quickly and too much happens.  I feel like I'm letting memories slip away.  Thank goodness for my camera.

Staring Contest
Somehow you grew by leaps and bounds.  Your head looks bigger.  You're becoming a bit much to carry around in your car seat anymore.  And suddenly, yesterday, I started carrying you on my hip.  Like a big girl!  You've been sitting up quite well thanks to the Bumbo.  Your strength is great but you don't seem to quite realize what will happen if you throw yourself backwards (again, probably thanks in part to the Bumbo).  So for now we'll keep you well surrounded by pillows and such when you're showing off.  You also have a new sound.  No...not any da-da's or even ba-ba's yet.  You've started growling.  It hasn't totally replaced the gurgle sound you are so fond of, but you prefer it when you're frustrated or playing with something intently.  It's a full-on growl, too.  Like a baby bear.  No joke.

Be afraid, toys...be very afraid.
Speaking of "baby bear," I might have to start calling you Goldilocks.  The headrest of your car seat is covered in fine little baby hairs.  So sad.  All of those precious hairs...gone.  That color that we couldn't quite describe...the brown-from-a-distance-that-looked-blonder-inside-and-reddish-in-the-sun-color?  It seems to have been replaced by a legitimate blonde.  Three times in the past two days someone has called you "Blondie."  So, I suppose that's who you are.  My blonde-haired, (very) blue-eyed baby girl.  Watching you change is blowing my mind.

Your other newest trick/obsession is your tongue.  You curl it and stick it out constantly.  You suck on it like a pacifier.  And you stick that sucker out and lick your lips like mad when someone is eating in front of you.  I suppose it's your way of telling me you're ready to try some new foods.  I'm getting the message.  I made myself a smoothie with coconut milk, pineapple, banana and ice the other day.  You went crazy trying to reach for it.  I finally gave in and let you try a taste.  You absolutely loved it.  It was creamy and only barely sweet.  You've been eating bananas like a champ lately.  We are moving on to carrots this week.  Peas soon.  And sweet potatoes are on your horizon.  Watch out farmer's market...here we come!

The Tongue: Exhibit A
and Exhibit B

You've been spending your days lately taking early morning walks with mommy.  Trying desperately to stick to a napping schedule (if only we would stop making morning trips to the store).  And being my sidekick while we majorly thin out the toys in the playroom.  Don't tell your sisters but we've managed to fill three garbage bags with donation toys they'll never miss.  We also gathered a stack of board books for you to grow into and salvaged a stuffed animal or two to be washed and added to your collection.  That room looks much more manageable now.

This was your contribution to the playroom cleanup.
You've also been much more purposeful and deliberate with your hands lately.  Gone are the days when it would take all of your concentration to grab the toys placed in front of you.  You take what you want, direct it to your mouth and chomp away.  Or slam it down in front of you...which always startles you and makes you laugh.  You looove to be startled.  I can promise you didn't get that from your dad.  If I want to make you laugh I just say "Boo!" really suddenly (or anything really suddenly...recently you've had giggle sessions over the word "baby", "diaper", "hiccup"...just so long as I say it with emphasis and make you jump a little).  Maybe I finally have a kid who will ride roller coasters with me?!?!   Another thing you are fond of is grabbing faces and hair, and pinching and pulling and scratching.  You're just trying to figure out the world around you, but boy can it be painful!  I just cut all of my hair off the other day to try to remove some of the temptation.  You gave me the strangest look after my haircut.  It's crazy how observant you are.

Insert evil grin here...
This past weekend was a fun one.  Saturday there as a Pirate Treasure Hunt at Freedom Park.  We love Freedom Park even without a cool event.  But there are far too few family things that happen in this town, so we are all over stuff like this.  For five dollars, Sydney received a pirate mug, bandanna, eye-patch, a few other goodies and a treasure map.  It laid out the location of treasure boxes scattered throughout the walking paths.  Just like that, we were off!  Scoring some loot!  Sydney had a blast.  You slept through most of it.  Feeling brave, we all ventured to Olive Garden for dinner together.  That probably wasn't our brightest decision of the day.  You were pretty tired by then.  But there was a family next to us celebrating a lady's 90th birthday.  For a moment she came over and smiled and chatted with you.  I was pretty swept away by the image of you staring at someone who has been here for 90 years.  Imagine what she must have seen in her lifetime.  Imagine what you will see in yours.  Such a timespan between you both, yet you shared a look of understanding.  Like somehow in the beginning and toward the end, life must make sense the most.  You have it all figured out, don't you?  We ended our night with a drive-by sunset.  You know...driving down to the beach to watch the sun go down, but not actually parking and getting out.  It's almost impossible to find a parking space at the beach this time of year.

Treasure map!

Captain Sydney

And First Mate, Finn

Collecting gold coins

She won the sword in a raffle.  It lights up.  Sweeeet!

Playing some games

Just hangin' with Jack Sparrow.  No biggie.
Mostly we've been taking in spring.  There aren't many things about Florida that clue you in to the fact that there's a season between winter and summer.  We go from chilly evenings and mornings and hot afternoons to straight up hot days, all day long.  There are a few things to watch for if you know where to look.  The oak trees on our street have bright green, new growth.  The afternoon showers start to make an appearance again.  The auto-hauler semis show up to take the snowbirds' cars back home.  And trees like this one on our street:

Jump, Syd!

Tomorrow we head to the beach because we have friends in town all the way from Colorado. I can't wait for you to meet them and for them to finally see you.  Last time they were here, you were tucked safely in my belly.  This visit calls for baby sunscreen and beach umbrellas. Too. Much. Fun.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Birthday Weekends and $5 Dresses

Birthday weekends always seem to fly by so quickly, leaving behind a whirlwind of party destruction and an extra-exhausted mom.  Throw in a sleepover, another mystery fever for Sydney on Sunday and the fact that I wasn't feeling so great Thursday and Friday, and it should have been a recipe for disaster.  It wasn't.  Kylee's "Retro Soda Shoppe" 12th birthday party was a success.  For the most part, you were on your best behavior, and I certainly appreciate that.  Parties and holidays always stress you out a bit.  The noise and people and the fact that mommy is running around like crazy.  You sense the chaos.  But you pulled through like a trooper.  

One Retro Soda Shoppe Party with a side order of Sock Monkey, comin' right up! 
The fact that the party fell on St. Patrick's Day was almost ignored.  Our biggest acknowledgement of the holiday was the fact that you were dressed like the luckiest of lucky charms.  For a few minutes.  We have been having some issues with Huggies diapers lately.  It's really getting old.  The fact that I bought seven packs of them on clearance for $5 a pack perhaps should've been my first clue.  I was just happy to have found a "deal".  Maybe I should have considered that there may be a reason for putting diapers on clearance in the first place? Let's just say you ended up wearing a shamrock onesie for all of about 20 minutes.  I'm really glad Daddy bought it at TJ Maxx and not someplace pricier.  You sure were a cute little leprechaun for those 20 minutes!  

Lucky Charm
You can thank those leaky diapers for one new dress, though.  One thing you should know about your mommy is that I am really a Target person.  Much more-so than a Walmart person.  I know there are plenty of people love them some Walmart, but I'm just not one of them.  I always feel overwhelmed there.  Reservations aside, you and I took a recent trip to Wally-World looking for some party items.  You are outgrowing your sling (so sad) and kind of hanging over the edges lately, so I had my hand under you to be sure you were steady.  I guess I shifted you around one too many times because I felt something warm and wet on my hand.  Your already leaky diaper was now shifted off to the side.  We were only one store into our shopping day and your outfit was down for the count.  I hit up the baby department hoping for a cute replacement outfit.  Enter your new $5 dress:

Not bad.  Not bad at all.
As for the rest of the weekend, we've been venturing down to the pool finally.  The water is way too cold for me, and you weren't a huge fan when I dipped your toes in, but Sydney jumps right in like it's July.  We spent four whole hours there on Sunday, catching up with neighbors we haven't spent time with since it was pool weather last year.  

Bathing Beauty

In other exciting news, your birthday dress arrived this week.  You love it, I'm fairly certain.

Sneak Peek
And the most perfect baby beach hat I ever did see arrived with it.

And it has provided endless amusement.  For me.

See what I mean?

It's going to be a great summer.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  Today is the first day of spring!  Your very first spring!  And boy do we have some fun things planned.  You'll just have to wait and see what we do next!

The rightful owner of the polka dot sunglasses.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Five Month Old Finnlee

Five month old Finnlee.  Five month old Finnlee.  I have to keep saying it over and over again, both because I need for it to sink in and also because it sounds so nice.  True, the same alliteration would've worked for "four month old Finnlee," but I didn't notice last month.  
Poor planning on my part.  I put you in a spot too bright to look up.

We didn't do much at all today other than plan for Kylee's party and weed out your too-small baby clothes.  You are on a no-sleeping kick that I really am not appreciating.  Your naps today consisted of about four or five, 10-minute naps.  It really makes it hard to accomplish much.  I think tomorrow I'm breaking down and just napping with you.  That way we both get some rest.

Before I forget, let's move on to: 
What Finnlee's Diggin': 5 Months
  • Tags.  On blankets.  On pillows.  On toys.  On towels.  It doesn't matter.  You are all about grabbing the tags on everything.
  • Avocado.  Of all of the foods you've tried, it's by far your favorite.  As a matter of fact, I need to buy more.
  • Music.  This is how Daddy keeps you calm and happy while I make dinner or lunch.  You aren't too picky.  You'll listen to just about anything.  Just not country.  Seriously.
  • i Phones/pads/touches.  Anything with a flat screen.  You are fascinated by them and will get your little hands all over them if anyone lets you.  You've managed to Face-Time Ashley's boyfriend several times and text quite a few people.  Even take a picture.  You're so talented.
  • Your toes.  You have them in your hands every chance you get.
  • Laughing.  At everything.  Laughing when I laugh.  Laughing when I kiss your cheeks.  Laughing when I tickle your belly.  Laughing at loud noises.  You'll need the ability to laugh with a crazy family like ours.

Fresh air and sunshine.  The best thing about Florida this time of year.

See, grabbing your toes.

Picnics at the park are becoming a weekend ritual.  So is wearing Mommy's vintage baby clothes.

At Fleischman Park, wearing my old buckaroo dress (circa 1976)

Sydney created her own golf course at the park.

We've been catching spectacular sunsets from the driveway.

And making sidewalk chalk a daily activity.

Chalk outlines.  Our specialty.

In our spare time, you've been practicing sitting up.  Preferably from the safety of Mommy & Daddy's bed.

We'll work on the "being upright" part later.

Well, my little sweet pea, it's time for us both to get some much-needed sleep.  Sweet dreams, Itty Bitty.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Old Habits Die Hard

Wanted: 30 minutes to myself to accomplish something.  Nothing special.  Anything, really.  You are becoming incredibly aware of my presence...and lack thereof.  Isn't it a little early for this?  I really don't remember when all of this separation anxiety is supposed to start.  If I walk away from you, you cry like I'm never coming back.  It's really not necessary.

Just now we made cookies.  (Not just any cookies: homemade oatmeal cream pies!)  And you sat in your Bumbo seat the entire time, like my own personal, miniature baking assistant.  You watched every move I made.  I enjoyed the closeness then, but now I have a chicken to roast and I don't really want you sitting on the counter next to a raw chicken and sharp knife.  Call me crazy.

Hangin' on the lanai with mommy while I do some crafty stuff.

Lately we've fallen into some really bad habits.  Well, I guess it's a little unfair to blame you.  I suppose I have fallen into some bad habits.  Like holding you while you sleep.  And holding you too much, I suppose.  You were always really good about just hanging out wherever I put you.  So good that I kinda bragged about it.  I've gotta remember to stop bragging...it always finds a way to bite me in the rear.  Now, when I set you down, you look at me with those giant baby eyes of yours as if to question my motives.  Am I setting you down so we can play?  Or so I can escape?  If it's the latter, you burst into tears as soon as you see me turn my back.  Dude, Finn...sometimes I just have to pee...ya know?  Yeah, now that I read that back I can see that this is entirely my fault.  Perhaps if you weren't so cute...

See what I mean?

In cheerier news, it is feeling very "spring" here.  Spring in Florida just means it's a few degrees cooler than summer and the water is still too cool to swim in.  We play outside but stay in the shade.  We don't really open the sliding glass doors anymore unless we are trying to warm up the place (or rid the house of germs...read on).  Yesterday I gave you a bath outside.  It just seemed like the right thing to do.  We put your little pink tub on the patio and filled it with water and let you splash around a bit.  You seemed pretty intrigued by the whole thing.  As luck would have it, even though it had been a sunny, quiet morning, as soon as we stepped outdoors the neighbor's lawn crew showed up with mowers and blowers roaring and the sun disappeared behind the clouds.  It figures.  You enjoyed it anyway.  I'm pretty sure that's what you were saying with those squeals and gurgles.

Seriously...I crack up over this one.  Every time.

I was so inspired by the outdoor bath that I dressed in you a dress that belonged to me when I was a baby.  It is oh-so-spring, and I couldn't wait to see you in my "vintage" dress...how old do I feel that my baby clothes are considered "vintage"??  I propped you up in your usual spot (the front yard garden bench) and handed you a few baskets, plastic eggs and a fake bunny (one of Sydney's "fake" pets...I need to get that child a pet!).  I don't think you were as excited as me, but you still looked so fresh and spring-y!  And you hardly needed any help sitting on the bench.  Oh my.

Springtime cutie

Waiting for the Easter Bunny?

You liked that 70's polyester.

Just not the camera, so much.

Back to the germ topic, there is a stomach bug going around this house, I'm afraid.  Sydney has ended up bringing every germ that enters her kindergarten class into our home.  For a child who never got sick (and I mean never), she's been sick an awful lot in the last few months.  She has been having episodes of random vomiting (gross, I know).  The most recent one hit the side of my brand. new. sofa.  Luckily, after a good scrub, I can't tell where. She is on a modified diet that is about as appetizing as yours and she is not happy about it.  But she seems to be feeling better already, so hopefully the worst is behind us.  I sure do love that sister of yours.  She says that when she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian and work at a no-kill animal shelter.  Actually, she said "vegetarian"...but she meant veterinarian...although she may become a vegetarian, too.  She is an animal-lover to the core.  She also wants to be a ballet teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays.  She's going to be one busy girl!  Lately she's been rockin' a new "signature style" for school.  The school's unified dress code makes it hard for kids to be expressive through their clothes.  But the creative ones find a way.  Enter Sydney's slouchy socks (knee socks, scrunched down around her ankles):   

Pumped up kicks.

We have an eventful week coming up.  Kylee's birthday party is on Saturday, which also happens to be St. Patrick's Day.  St. Patty's doesn't usually call for much celebration around here, but I'll take any excuse to snag a few photos of my munchkin.  Besides, it's your very first one...and your name is so Irish-sounding...little Finnlee Shea.  This Friday is Sydney's Luau Read-a-Thon, and her day to bring snack.  Still trying to come up with something creative for that one.  And next week, a certain someone I know is turning 5 months old.  Wonder who that could be?  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Walkin' On Sunshine

I'm sneaking in a quick post while you sleep.  You and I just got back from the longest walk ever!  This warm winter has brought us the most amazing mornings.  Blue skies, temperatures in the 70's, and constant breezes just begging us to come outside and play.  So, into the stroller you went, and with an iced coffee in hand, we wandered through our neighborhood for over an hour.  All of that fresh air and sunshine, plus a little late morning snack, and you didn't stand a chance.  You are crashed out on my bed right now.  Your little fringey lashes kissing those sweet, rosy cheeks of yours.  If I had half a brain, I'd be snoozing with you.  But that would just be too logical.

In some ways, I am looking forward to the days when you'll be toddling along beside me (but not too much...don't you rush).  I was getting a little envious looking at all of the sprawling yards that belong to the houses just one block away.  Swings dangling from all of the best trees.  We must live on the wrong street.  I think I'll be adding a swing to my list of "must buy's", and maybe making friends with some of the neighbors!  This town you are growing up in is a funny one.  I enjoy looking at the various styles of houses around here.  Everything from brick and siding to tropical stucco to fake Italian (I'm rolling my eyes) to 70's flashbacks to southern-style with wide open porches.  My personal favorite was the house with statuettes of a Greek goddess, cherub, pelican, deer and gargoyle...all on the same lawn.  It's as if they cannot possibly pass up a cast concrete statue.  Ahhh...Floridians.  You are one of us, you know!

I've spent this week designing our new living room in my mind.  Ever since our super-cool, new sofa came to live with us, I am determined to make this room a reflection of our family (really resisting making it a reflection of me...I don't live here alone...must remember that).  I want someone to be able to walk into our living room and understand who our family is.  Right now I think it looks like it could belong to anyone, in any home.  My summer project is to remedy that situation.  

Your new birthday party dress is on its way.  Yes, your first birthday.  The one that won't happen for another seven months.  Nothing wrong with being prepared.  Yeah, right...me prepared?  Ha!  Actually, I found your dress online and knew it had to be yours.  Then there was a sale.  And then a discount code.  And then free shipping!  So, you see, I had to buy it.  It was meant to be.  I'm turning out to be quite the bargain shopper.  I can't wait until you see it...soft, antique white tulle with rows of lacy ruffles at the top.  It is perfection.  And you will be radiant in it.  Just don't go and have a ridiculously massive growth spurt on me and we'll be fine.

I was thinking that it was a good time to document your nicknames, since you are starting to respond to them, as well as your name.  Don't be mad about these names some day.  I am a nick-namer.  Can't help myself.  Of course you go by "Finn" a lot of the time.  That was intentional when we chose your name.  I love it shortened or not.  But you've been getting a lot of "Finnster" and "Finnagin"from your sisters.  Daddy calls you "Bubba", like he does to your sisters.  I believe this is from the lack of having a son.  Poor guy.  Please play softball for Daddy's sake, Finn.  From me, you get a lot of "Wubs" or "Wubba" (short for "Chubba Wubba"...you know...because you're a bit on the pudgy side) and "Weebles" (short for "Weeble-Wobble", again, the roly-poly thing).  Wow, even your nicknames have nicknames.  

Every day is a new adventure for you right now.  You've eaten avocado, banana and a little rice cereal, with avocado being the hands-down winner.  You are watching my every move intently, whether I am helping Kylee make a salt dough volcano for science class or folding laundry.  You are too young to criticize my singing and will even crane you neck around to see where it is coming from if I'm singing along to a song out of your line of sight.  You want to grab everything you can get your hands on: fuzzy leaves of a bottle-brush tree at the bus stop, dripping water from a faucet, handfuls of hair, the wooden beads on my necklace.  Everything.  Your fuzzy hair is thinning out (I can see the evidence on the headrest of your carseat), but also getting longer (it's blowing around in the breeze and even starting to curl out on one side).  Your feet are finally big enough to fit into little shoes without looking like clown feet.  You love to be lifted up over my head, Superman-style.  Your latest trick is laying on your back and grabbing your feet, although I don't think they reach your mouth yet, no matter how hard you try to get them in there.  It looks like your naps are fewer and farther apart now, too.  I could post on here every day and find something new to write about, you're changing that quickly.  

Years from now, when you hit those dreaded teenage years, I hope you'll understand how very much I love you.  How much of a hold you have on this heart of mine.  I watch your sisters racing toward adulthood and wonder what I could've done differently to impress upon them the just how all-encompassing and undying my love for my girls truly is.  In the words of one of your sisters' (and my) favorite books, "I love you to the moon...and back."

I totally got this idea off of Pinterest.  I'm not claiming the idea, but those sweet shoes are all yours.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lazy Days

I'd love to tell you that the reason I haven't posted on here in a week is because we have had a bustling social life, but the truth is we've been pretty low-key this week.  Oh, we've been plenty busy.  But busy doing mundane stuff.  The stuff you have to do, but it's not really worth talking about.  Doctor trips.  Grocery shopping.  Taking care of a sick sister (Kylee caught the mysterious fever that seems to be going around here).  And a little jaunt to the mechanic for an oil change.  Big whoop.  

We did manage to fit in a park visit last weekend.  Our beach plans fell through when we woke up to a chilly, grey Sunday morning.  Your dad knows me too well though, and he knew I was itching to be outside.  By the time the clouds had cleared, I was desperately making a picnic lunch in hopes that we'd find a way to make something happen.  I was starting to think we'd be settling for lunch on the back porch, but no- we threw everything in our picnic bag and headed to Lake Avalon.  It was beautiful for about an hour and a half.  Then it rained.  No complaints from me.  It was just what the doctor ordered.  

Sydney got to run around and burn off some energy.  

Kylee read in the fresh air.  

You basked in the sunlight.  

There isn't much that a good picnic lunch and some sunshine can't cure, if you ask me.

Our one somewhat interesting adventure this week was a jaunt to Goodwill.  In my head, I romanticize thrift and vintage shopping.  I picture myself sifting through dusty finds in a charming storefront, owned by an old couple who give me the back-story of everything that catches my eye.  I walk out with a lovely flower chandelier I intend to spraypaint and hang in your room, a vintage quilt that was obviously loved but still in great condition and some old childrens' books with beautiful illustrations that I will frame for your nursery.  I walk out spending about $10 for my new treasures.  Yeah...something like that.  The reality is our Goodwill is located in a strip mall (on the sketchy end of town, no less), with racks and racks of musty smelling clothes, shelves full of florist quality vases and televisions with rabbit ears.  I walk in and instantly feel overwhelmed and a little grossed out.  I've only been there once before, but it always seems to be the same.  Same junk, different day.  But if you are patient enough to scour through the 70's ashtrays and plastic flower arrangements, you can find some real treasures.  I was looking specifically for vintage stuff for your first birthday party.  Because I plan on a very sweet, vintage look (think doilies, lace, bunting, ruffles) for your party (Pinterest inspiration board), I can't exactly run out to Party City the week before your party to shop.  I have to start planning this now.  I was a little disappointed in the lack of "granny stuff" at our Goodwill, but did walk out with a few goodies.  I did spend $10 though...so that part of my vision came true.  We'll try again in a week or so.  

Our visit did result in one major score.  A new sofa.  There was a 60's/midcentury modern sofa right in the entrance of the store.  Brown tweed.  Clean lines.  Tufted, single cushion seat.  I was in love.  It was only $150, but I walked away.  Daddy knows that when I come home and can't stop talking about something that perhaps we should buy it to shut mommy up.  He went back this morning and luckily, it was still there.  Turns out it's a new sofa, just retro-styled, and was donated to Goodwill when the high-end furniture store in town closed.  Can you say score?!?  All of my reasons for not wanting to buy it disappeared.  So it will be coming to live in our house next week.  Most likely, it will become the only sofa you will remember having.  That seems strange to me because we've had our current furniture for over ten years.  But, it's time to say goodbye.  So exciting!  

I feel like you're growing so fast right now that if I stared at you long enough, I could actually see a visible change occur.  Every morning you look bigger.  Every day you're doing something new or a little different.  You've started laying on your back and grabbing at your toes.  The hair above your left ear is starting to wing out a bit, as if it may curl.  You are getting a little temper- making sure we all know when you'd rather not be put down or have your face wiped (I'm sure we can thank your dad for that one).  As promised, you had your first taste of solid food: avocado.  You've had it several times since then, too.  You are taking to it better than I expected, even smiling.  
Wearing a Yankees bib for dad. 

The play-by-play of events. 

Even your sisters got in on the act.

It's amazing to see you try new things for the first time ever.  I feel like you're flinging these changes at me, rapid-fire, daring me to keep up.  I don't want to miss a thing.  

I'm sad to see every newborn trace disappear, but I'm delighted to watch you learn and grow.  What an amazing Little you are.  What did we ever do before you came along?  Funny how life changes, and yet you are always exactly where you are meant to be.