Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Instagram Effect

That's right.  An entire post dedicated to Instagram.  Because this little app, that is nothing more than a tiny square on my iPhone, has become something much more significant.  It is a community and a challenge to enjoy and document every day all in one.  And it's also keeping me on my toes when it comes to this blog.  When I first started writing to you here, nobody- with the exception of  couple of close friends- knew I was doing this.  I felt it was personal, but not private.  Something that I wanted to do for you, but that I didn't want pressure to have to do.  But also something that I hoped might inspire other moms to do something similar for their little ones, should they happen upon this site.  But I get distracted easily and I manage to make excuses for myself like nobody's business.  So, I found myself slacking on posting regularly.  However, ever since I posted the link to your blog on my Instagram profile, we have had regular visitors here.  So, "Hi!" if you are reading this because of IG!  I love this because it reminds me that I really need to update once in a while.  Time is flying by and you are learning things everyday.  There's just no time to be a slacker.

Some of my favorite IG shots.
After seeing so many beautiful iPhone photos, I thought that once I upgraded my phone it would just automatically take stunning pictures.  Wrong.  I had no clue how to use it.  Or how to edit.  Or much of anything about it.  I was pretty disappointed.  When I first installed Instagram on my phone, my pictures were not reflective of who you and your sisters were.  They were dark, grainy and boring, and I lost interest very quickly.  I also refused to hashtag any photos, insisting that I wasn't on there to get a bunch of "likes,"but what resulted was that I ended up posting photos that only I saw (thank goodness, now that I look back at them).  What I was missing was the "social" aspect of this social app.  Enter Kelle Hampton's lovely blog and her decision to feature reader's IG photos on Friday's.  It was her always-breathtaking "Friday Photo Dump" that made me long for an iPhone and this little app in the first place.  Once I started to get the hang of using my phone's camera, I started using her "enjoyingthesmallthings" hashtag.  More importantly, I started browsing the hashtag and finding other moms who, like me, take tons of pictures of their kids.  It was obvious that these kindred spirits enjoyed life, loved their babies and realized how important it was to capture these memories.  

Some more favorites.
What I have found is a community of like-minded people, sharing our daily lives, whether that be a child's achievement, the color we painted a room, a cozy nap, a yummy breakfast or our latest shopping score...and everything in between.  A place where you don't really need to apologize for posting too many pictures of your baby (even though I usually do).  A place where I find inspiration to make the most of every day and find extraordinary moments in the ordinary.  A place where we support each other on a rough day and cheer one another on when it's called for.  I enjoy checking in daily to see what other families are up to and to share my latest glimpse into our life.

Latest batch of favorites.
Of course I do not need an app to remind me that we should go outside and enjoy a beautiful day.  Or to make me take notice of the absolutely perfect ratio of nose to cheek that your profile sports.  But it does challenge me to look at our daily routines differently.  I find myself seeking beauty in everything from grocery shopping to mess-making.  More frequently, I find myself stopping, to not only notice how beautifully the light is hitting your hair, but to snap a picture before the moment is gone.  Because history has taught me that I cannot rely on my memory alone.  

Another cool thing that has happened has been the opportunity to see your pictures on Enjoying the Small Things.  Every week a roundup of reader's photos are chosen from Kelle's hashtag to be featured on her blog.  You've made the cut twice.  It makes me so happy to see you there.  I respect Kelle so much as a mother and as a photographer.  If I look back someday and feel that I've captured my children's personalities with even a fraction of the magic that her photos possess, I will have accomplished something.  Assuming these links still work by the time you are able to read this, here is a link to the blog post that first featured your photo: http://www.kellehampton.com/2012/08/enjoying.html .  And here is a link to the second appearance you've made on her blog: http://www.kellehampton.com/2012/09/nineteen-grays.html  And if that's not the case, here are her collages (all other photos belong to the respective IG members and the collage is the creation and property of Kelle Hampton/enjoyingthesmallthings.com)

Your first appearance.

And your second appearance.  (Sorry for the blurriness, but I don't feel right about posting other people's pictures without their permission.)
 Obviously, it's not all about Instagram around here.  It's been quite a while since I've posted and you've had some big firsts.  Just this week you began standing for a few seconds at a time.  Of course, this led to another first: your first boo-boo.  You fell face first into the coffee table the other night, and your right cheek has a bruise the size of a quarter as proof.  I've never heard you cry so hard.  I had to trick you into putting an ice pack on it by pretending that I liked to lay my cheek on it.  You mimic every move and sound we make lately, so the ice trick was a success.  I'm selfishly grateful that the fall didn't happen closer to your first birthday, but the bruise will be around for your 11 month pictures, for sure.  Speaking of the whole "mimicking act" you've been putting on lately, you are saying quite a few words now.  You will attempt pretty much any word we repeat to you ("turtle", "Cruz"...daddy's current favorite Giant).  Your steady vocabulary are things like "Mama", "Dada", "Yeah", "Dog", "Night Night", and my favorite: "I love you".  But you also do the cutest whisper imitation every time I whisper to you.  Your head-shake for "no" is now accompanied by a wagging finger (where on earth could you have learned that), and you display this trick right before you reach for something that you know is off limits...which is frequent.  And you copy daddy's beat boxing when he's trying to entertain you (it ends up being the other way around).  Your two bottom teeth are becoming visible.  You like to test them out when you nurse.  I don't like that part so much.  You have been eating some big girl foods, too.  I try to feed you a little bit of table food at dinner time,  I shred everything to the tiniest size but your lack of teeth makes it difficult for you to actually eat most things.  It's a slow process, but I really hope you are able to down some birthday cake next month.  Next month!  Yikes!!  Where has this year gone?


  1. Just this day I came across you on IG and it brought me to your blog. This particular post sums up exactly how I feel. I, too love Kelle Hampton and her story and was so excited make the cut! (bucket list item) :). I love your pictures and I can't wait to explore your blog!

  2. Thank you, Kelly! I just clicked over to your blog and love it!! I love to see families taking time to enjoy life. Can't wait to explore yours as well!

  3. I came to your blog the other day and found this and feel I couldn't have said it better. The way you describe the app as a way to help you slow down and enjoy the moment is how I feel about taking pictures and blogging (a recent hobby I am starting to get more into) My husband is starting to get it. He isn't complaining about me not participating because I am "behind the scene" anymore. Also, I feel like the hash tag has created a community in a way I would never have expected. I only recently happened upon it, and it's funny because, that hash tag is what brought me here. You had made a comment I wanted to talk to you more about and I thought instead of hijacking your thread, I'd just email you. So I looked on IG and then here and can't find your email. I swear I'm not a crazy person! Just someone who likes to talk to other moms about mom things. So if you are interested in another friend, email me at lindsayrcraig@gmail.com

  4. Hi, Lindsay! I love when I recognize someone from IG. I will send an email over, pronto. Mine is naplesstevens@gmail.com , so in case you see a random email addy, it's me.

    The hashtag is what made me want an iPhone to begin with (I was hopelessly out of date with my poor old phone). I loved Kelle's "Friday Photo Dump", and really wanted a decent phone camera and Instagram. I am so surprised at how "at home" I feel there. I never expected to make friends because of it. I wonder if she realizes what a wonderful thing she created when she started sharing readers' photos.

  5. hello miss naomi...didn't realize you had a blog. let me just let you big chick and i sooooo enjoy your instagram feed. that little finlee is absolutely adorable. amazing how a common bond...our girls...can connect complete and utter strangers. anyhoo thanks for the precious words over my girl. i was a little apprehensive at first, but it's sweet people like you who took that fear away. i so grateful that she's getting loved on...and that she is getting a little confidence boost from people out there. it's really a beautiful thing:)

  6. Hi, Becky! So nice to "see" you on here! I agree...these girls of ours are responsible for bringing strangers together, and that's an amazing thing. Big Chick's affection for Finn is just the sweetest. She is a special girl. Her talent is extraordinary and I'm so glad you recognize it and encourage it. Thanks for the sweet message. See you on IG!

  7. Yes! To all of the above. I LOVE The IG community and "meeting" like-minded moms like you.

    1. Hi, Angela! It's great to see you here. I (obviously) absolutely agree. I expected to love the photography aspect of IG, but I never expected to find a community like we have. Amazing!

  8. I love instagram! So excited that your pictures were on Kelle's blog! I adore her photography too- and love how she captures her family so well! So thankful for instagram and the community it has created! :)

    1. Me too! I am a bit IG-obsessed, but I feel like I have the best support group and friend base now, all thanks to the network of moms on there. Who knew it would be such a perfect forum to meet other moms at the same stage of parenting, with the same parenting philosophies and love of photography? It's made raising a family even better. I feel so much less alone in everything now. Never could have dreamed any of that would've happened when I first started posing there.
