Five month old Finnlee. Five month old Finnlee. I have to keep saying it over and over again, both because I need for it to sink in and also because it sounds so nice. True, the same alliteration would've worked for "four month old Finnlee," but I didn't notice last month.
Poor planning on my part. I put you in a spot too bright to look up.
We didn't do much at all today other than plan for Kylee's party and weed out your too-small baby clothes. You are on a no-sleeping kick that I really am not appreciating. Your naps today consisted of about four or five, 10-minute naps. It really makes it hard to accomplish much. I think tomorrow I'm breaking down and just napping with you. That way we both get some rest.
Before I forget, let's move on to:
What Finnlee's Diggin': 5 Months
- Tags. On blankets. On pillows. On toys. On towels. It doesn't matter. You are all about grabbing the tags on everything.
- Avocado. Of all of the foods you've tried, it's by far your favorite. As a matter of fact, I need to buy more.
- Music. This is how Daddy keeps you calm and happy while I make dinner or lunch. You aren't too picky. You'll listen to just about anything. Just not country. Seriously.
- i Phones/pads/touches. Anything with a flat screen. You are fascinated by them and will get your little hands all over them if anyone lets you. You've managed to Face-Time Ashley's boyfriend several times and text quite a few people. Even take a picture. You're so talented.
- Your toes. You have them in your hands every chance you get.
- Laughing. At everything. Laughing when I laugh. Laughing when I kiss your cheeks. Laughing when I tickle your belly. Laughing at loud noises. You'll need the ability to laugh with a crazy family like ours.

Fresh air and sunshine. The best thing about Florida this time of year.
See, grabbing your toes.
Picnics at the park are becoming a weekend ritual. So is wearing Mommy's vintage baby clothes.
At Fleischman Park, wearing my old buckaroo dress (circa 1976)
Sydney created her own golf course at the park.
We've been catching spectacular sunsets from the driveway.
And making sidewalk chalk a daily activity.
Chalk outlines. Our specialty.
In our spare time, you've been practicing sitting up. Preferably from the safety of Mommy & Daddy's bed.
We'll work on the "being upright" part later.
Well, my little sweet pea, it's time for us both to get some much-needed sleep. Sweet dreams, Itty Bitty.