Birthday weekends always seem to fly by so quickly, leaving behind a whirlwind of party destruction and an extra-exhausted mom. Throw in a sleepover, another mystery fever for Sydney on Sunday and the fact that I wasn't feeling so great Thursday and Friday, and it should have been a recipe for disaster. It wasn't. Kylee's "Retro Soda Shoppe" 12th birthday party was a success. For the most part, you were on your best behavior, and I certainly appreciate that. Parties and holidays always stress you out a bit. The noise and people and the fact that mommy is running around like crazy. You sense the chaos. But you pulled through like a trooper.
One Retro Soda Shoppe Party with a side order of Sock Monkey, comin' right up! |
The fact that the party fell on St. Patrick's Day was almost ignored. Our biggest acknowledgement of the holiday was the fact that you were dressed like the luckiest of lucky charms. For a few minutes. We have been having some issues with Huggies diapers lately. It's really getting old. The fact that I bought seven packs of them on clearance for $5 a pack perhaps should've been my first clue. I was just happy to have found a "deal". Maybe I should have considered that there may be a reason for putting diapers on clearance in the first place? Let's just say you ended up wearing a shamrock onesie for all of about 20 minutes. I'm really glad Daddy bought it at TJ Maxx and not someplace pricier. You sure were a cute little leprechaun for those 20 minutes!
Lucky Charm |
You can thank those leaky diapers for one new dress, though. One thing you should know about your mommy is that I am really a Target person. Much more-so than a Walmart person. I know there are plenty of people love them some Walmart, but I'm just not one of them. I always feel overwhelmed there. Reservations aside, you and I took a recent trip to Wally-World looking for some party items. You are outgrowing your sling (so sad) and kind of hanging over the edges lately, so I had my hand under you to be sure you were steady. I guess I shifted you around one too many times because I felt something warm and wet on my hand. Your already leaky diaper was now shifted off to the side. We were only one store into our shopping day and your outfit was down for the count. I hit up the baby department hoping for a cute replacement outfit. Enter your new $5 dress:
Not bad. Not bad at all. |
As for the rest of the weekend, we've been venturing down to the pool finally. The water is way too cold for me, and you weren't a huge fan when I dipped your toes in, but Sydney jumps right in like it's July. We spent four whole hours there on Sunday, catching up with neighbors we haven't spent time with since it was pool weather last year.
Bathing Beauty |
In other exciting news, your birthday dress arrived this week. You love it, I'm fairly certain.
Sneak Peek |
And the most perfect baby beach hat I ever did see arrived with it.
And it has provided endless amusement. For me. |
See what I mean? |
It's going to be a great summer. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Today is the first day of spring! Your very first spring! And boy do we have some fun things planned. You'll just have to wait and see what we do next!
The rightful owner of the polka dot sunglasses. |
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