In some ways, I am looking forward to the days when you'll be toddling along beside me (but not too much...don't you rush). I was getting a little envious looking at all of the sprawling yards that belong to the houses just one block away. Swings dangling from all of the best trees. We must live on the wrong street. I think I'll be adding a swing to my list of "must buy's", and maybe making friends with some of the neighbors! This town you are growing up in is a funny one. I enjoy looking at the various styles of houses around here. Everything from brick and siding to tropical stucco to fake Italian (I'm rolling my eyes) to 70's flashbacks to southern-style with wide open porches. My personal favorite was the house with statuettes of a Greek goddess, cherub, pelican, deer and gargoyle...all on the same lawn. It's as if they cannot possibly pass up a cast concrete statue. Ahhh...Floridians. You are one of us, you know!
I've spent this week designing our new living room in my mind. Ever since our super-cool, new sofa came to live with us, I am determined to make this room a reflection of our family (really resisting making it a reflection of me...I don't live here alone...must remember that). I want someone to be able to walk into our living room and understand who our family is. Right now I think it looks like it could belong to anyone, in any home. My summer project is to remedy that situation.
Your new birthday party dress is on its way. Yes, your first birthday. The one that won't happen for another seven months. Nothing wrong with being prepared. Yeah, prepared? Ha! Actually, I found your dress online and knew it had to be yours. Then there was a sale. And then a discount code. And then free shipping! So, you see, I had to buy it. It was meant to be. I'm turning out to be quite the bargain shopper. I can't wait until you see it...soft, antique white tulle with rows of lacy ruffles at the top. It is perfection. And you will be radiant in it. Just don't go and have a ridiculously massive growth spurt on me and we'll be fine.
I was thinking that it was a good time to document your nicknames, since you are starting to respond to them, as well as your name. Don't be mad about these names some day. I am a nick-namer. Can't help myself. Of course you go by "Finn" a lot of the time. That was intentional when we chose your name. I love it shortened or not. But you've been getting a lot of "Finnster" and "Finnagin"from your sisters. Daddy calls you "Bubba", like he does to your sisters. I believe this is from the lack of having a son. Poor guy. Please play softball for Daddy's sake, Finn. From me, you get a lot of "Wubs" or "Wubba" (short for "Chubba Wubba" know...because you're a bit on the pudgy side) and "Weebles" (short for "Weeble-Wobble", again, the roly-poly thing). Wow, even your nicknames have nicknames.
Every day is a new adventure for you right now. You've eaten avocado, banana and a little rice cereal, with avocado being the hands-down winner. You are watching my every move intently, whether I am helping Kylee make a salt dough volcano for science class or folding laundry. You are too young to criticize my singing and will even crane you neck around to see where it is coming from if I'm singing along to a song out of your line of sight. You want to grab everything you can get your hands on: fuzzy leaves of a bottle-brush tree at the bus stop, dripping water from a faucet, handfuls of hair, the wooden beads on my necklace. Everything. Your fuzzy hair is thinning out (I can see the evidence on the headrest of your carseat), but also getting longer (it's blowing around in the breeze and even starting to curl out on one side). Your feet are finally big enough to fit into little shoes without looking like clown feet. You love to be lifted up over my head, Superman-style. Your latest trick is laying on your back and grabbing your feet, although I don't think they reach your mouth yet, no matter how hard you try to get them in there. It looks like your naps are fewer and farther apart now, too. I could post on here every day and find something new to write about, you're changing that quickly.
Years from now, when you hit those dreaded teenage years, I hope you'll understand how very much I love you. How much of a hold you have on this heart of mine. I watch your sisters racing toward adulthood and wonder what I could've done differently to impress upon them the just how all-encompassing and undying my love for my girls truly is. In the words of one of your sisters' (and my) favorite books, "I love you to the moon...and back."
I totally got this idea off of Pinterest. I'm not claiming the idea, but those sweet shoes are all yours.
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