Big week in our house! After much consideration, your dad and I decided it was time to reward Sydney's sense of responsibility and love for animals with a pet. We kept it small because we aren't prepared to take on a large animal at this time. Sydney doesn't mind his size. She's just thrilled to be the new owner of Crunchy, her turtle.
Meet Crunchy |
Your first time seeing fish. How cool. |
Not to be outdone, Kylee talked dad into a beta fish. I think the amount of maintenance it requires, versus the turtle, accurately reflects how dedicated she will most likely be. And, because we weren't done obtaining new playthings, dad also upgraded my phone to an iphone...which isn't so far off from the pets the girls received. Both wil require lots of love and attention...oh wait. So, I have officially joined the rest of civilization in the touch-screen phone madness. Of course, by the time you are old enough to read and understand this, you'll find it very amusing that my iphone was so state-of-the-art. It will, no doubt, have been replaced by newer, faster, smarter, better things. Although for the life of me, I cannot imagine what. I've never been one for gadgets and didn't mind that my phone still had buttons that had to be pressed, but I did warn dad when we found out that I was pregnant with you that I was pretty sure that some sort of i-device was mandatory to raise children these days. In the waiting room during Sydney's ballet class there isn't a single parent who isn't entertaining a child (or entertaining themselves) with some gizmo. I've already downloaded a rattle app that you really love. I think it will be a game-changer.
Ironically, most of your toys are rather low-tech. Considering that you are the youngest by six years, it's safe to say we didn't really have many baby toys hanging around the house when you came along. So there's a lot of Montessori style play going on, both because I believe strongly in the Montessori style of teaching, and because there's more "other stuff" than "baby stuff" around this house. There's plenty of hands on discovery play (with Mommy supervising, of course) with things that aren't necessarily toys. I found the concept of "sensory baskets" online and decided you'd be okay with a "sensory bowl." So we loaded one up with kitchen goodies and let you explore.
Giving the potato masher a thorough exam. |
Mirrors become outside toys in our house. |
The gift that Mother Nature gave us last week was followed up by a grey, windy & rainy weekend. Monday was more of the same, with some random outbursts of sunshine. We pretty much hibernated. There wasn't even enough light to take any pictures. Besides, somehow you've managed to contract yet another cold. I am going to laugh at the next person who tells me I'm smart for waiting until one child is in kindergarten before having the next. Kindergartners are germy. Lovable, but germy. On the bright side, your immune system is getting a boost.
With our wacky weather and contagious state our activities have forced us to spend lots of time at home. We've capitalized on that by filling our time with sister sleepovers that included planting herb gardens, baking cookies, playing dress up, backyard treasure hunts and sometimes rainy trips to the pool.
Poor little chive seeds don't know they're doomed from the start. I can't grow anything to save my life. |
Treasure Hunt. No, there aren't always beads hanging from our palm trees. |
Sydney's version of a pirate bandanna. |
Recommended treasure-hunting footwear. They were very fashionable pirates. |
Finally, the sun again! |
And some long-awaited pool time. |
There's been playtime with Mommy.
And creative school outfits.
Yes, she wore knee socks with bermuda shorts...and I let her. And, yes, she has to climb onto the bus. |
There were touching moments.
Ashley's boyfriend asked her to prom with candles. Excuse the mess. She's 17. And we moved the comforter and rug to eliminate fire hazards. |
We had entire days with nothing to do but sit outside and take in the last of the cooler weather.
I handed you my orange, but you were way more interested in the dirt, grass & pine needles. |
That tongue! |
Messy Meals
This is what happens when Mom gives you the spoon. |
Playing dress up with unnecessary scarves. |
Stealing light from nearby windows.
Nothing sweeter than a just barely awake baby. |
Watching the rain fall. |
And, in general, just growing up. Every day is a new adventure. You felt the rain for the first time. You saw a turtle for the first time. So many firsts. So many adventures. I'm so lucky to share them with you.
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