Monday, October 8, 2012

Walk On

Hi, Finn!
Up until the age of four, Sydney didn't understand the difference between "hot", as in temperature, and "hot", as in spicy.  Consequently, whenever anything was the slightest bit warm, it was "spicy."  Buffalo chicken?  Spicy.  The metal part of the carseat buckle?  Spicy.  So, in the words of your sister, it has been so spicy outside lately.  Ick.  While not surprising, this is mostly disappointing because (as I mentioned before), in my mind summer ended when August ended.  The kids are back in school.  The calendars are featuring cooler weather photos on them this month.  Most of the country is enjoying full-blown fall by now.  We ought to be feeling some relief.

It's "spicy" out here!
 Your birthday month is a tricky one.  We can go from summer to fall overnight.  I think you feel it in the air.  You seem to be fully aware that your birthday is right around the corner and you're determined to prove it.  Saturday, your preferred method of getting around became walking.  Well, you still crawl plenty, but where you were just catapulting yourself toward your target in 3-4 step bursts before, you are now taking careful, calculated steps.  Many more than the 4-step limit you had imposed on yourself before.  And now you walk to places where there isn't a person waiting to catch you.  Officially a walker, I would say.  

Places to go...things to do...
We've also had a food breakthrough.  Usually I feed you tiny pieces of what we are eating, but because of your lack of teeth, you haven't been very interested.  Consequently, we've had banana shampoos, Cheerios in your diapers and an almost permanent Puff-littered spot beneath your high chair.  But last Wednesday, I put diced green beans, shredded pork tenderloin and brown rice on your tray, expecting the usual food-scattering to commence, but you surprised me by eating.  For twenty solid minutes.  You sat quietly in your high chair and chowed down.  This is one milestone I am thrilled about.  The second tooth that's popping through?  Eh, I have mixed emotions.  Maybe if you would stop thinking of me as a teething toy, I might be more enthusiastic.  

Now it's time for shoes!

Teeth!  I have the hardest time getting a picture of these elusive little chiclets.  See the second one?
So far, this October has been all about you.  I have been consumed with preparing for your party.  I am getting so excited about this beautiful day of celebration.  I just hope everyone stays healthy and that you stick to a nap schedule that day.  Am I asking too much?  Sydney is home sick today with a cough, but she already is sounding better.  I have forbidden you from catching it.  There is a small part of me that is ready to get this big day behind us, because there are other things I want to focus on with you.  Namely: fall.  We need to hit up some pumpkin patches, take a drive to the fall festival in Bradenton, paint some pumpkins...stuff like that.  I have an "official fall soundtrack", and it's Steve Miller Band's Greatest Hits (I don't know why, but since my early 20's, it has reminded me of fall, and it plays on repeat all fall, every year), and it hasn't even made an appearance yet in 2012.  It's hard to tell by looking at the pile of lace and doilies on the dining room table, but it's practically Halloween.  And I've got the homemade costume sitting in the closet to prove it.  But we'll talk about that later.

Sweaty nose.  Hopefully, not for much longer.
First things first.  Birthday party, cooler weather...and not necessarily in that order.  I am really tempted to stick some leggings or tights on you just because I'm in the mood.  But you get sweaty outside in your little airy bubble outfits.  I just can't bring myself to do it to you.  I am getting irresistible urges to buy you mary janes, boots and cardigans.  I want to make some homemade applesauce and my favorite sweet potato curry soup.  And I mostly want to take a walk with you without feeling the need to stick to the shady sidewalks.  

As usual, Florida is late getting the memo that it's fall.  Nothing new, I know, but I am really looking forward to it this year.  It is my all-time favorite time of year, but last year I was in a funk.  I didn't really appreciate the season like I usually do.  I didn't do most of my favorite things.  And with your arrival in mid October, preparing Thanksgiving dinner seemed mostly like a chore.  For lack of a better word, this makes me sad.  I hate to think of a wasted year.  To be fair, Mother Nature must've felt my pain.  She did her best to keep the fallish temperatures from us.  Winter, too.  We didn't have many cool days at all last year.  I feel good about this year though.  It's going to be a good one.  I can feel it.  Ya hear me, Mother Nature?  I'm feelin' it!  Bring it on!  (Please.)


  1. gosh, she is just THE cutest! so looking forward to her birthday post!

    1. Thanks, Angela!! I'm super looking forward to this party, but I just hope it looks like I envision it. I'm sure it won't...and that nobody will know the difference. Story of my life.
