Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Four Months

Happy Four Month Birthday, little Finn!  Four months is a big deal to me.  This is when all sorts of cool milestones really start happening.  It's also a little sad because it means the end of the newborn phase, for good.  Knowing you are the last little in our home makes me way more sentimental than what is healthy.  A big part of me isn't ready to say goodbye to these early days.  But there's also a part of me who is excited to see what you'll do next.  Every day you change more and more.  And this morning, when you woke up, I swear you visibly grew overnight.  

We had plenty of fun playing around with Scrabble letters and taking some silly pictures today.  I never realized that our fancy-schmancy collector's edition Scrabble game didn't have the traditional plain wood letters until I drug the box down from the closet today with those classic tiles in mind.  Bummer.  Oh well.  We snapped away anyway.  

I look good for 4 months!

Baby, you don't look a day over 3 months 29 days.

I really need to learn how to properly post these pictures.  And I should be editing until Picnik closes (sad face about Picnik...I used to love google and I'm not loving them since they announced the shutdown of my favorite, go-to photo editing site).  

This weekend I managed to totally screw up your schedule.  We spent Saturday packing up a lifetime of belongings at your Grandma's house for an eventual garage sale.  Then, Sunday, we went to a baby shower for a friend who I've known since 3rd grade.  She's expecting her first baby this spring- a little girl for you to be friends with.  So exciting!!  I wish I'd thought to bring my camera.  You looked so cute in her arms with her little baby bump propping you up.  We have another friend expecting a baby this year, and this will be a shower I'll be planning for sure!  I love when it's raining babies!!  

Last month Sydney and I started a Memory Jar for 2012.  It's an empty jar that we fill with scraps of paper that we've written memories we'd like to keep for the year.  On New Year's Eve, we'll open the jar and read the papers.  It should be good for a few laughs.  I'll leave you with the one I wrote down today.  Sydney got a stuffed coyote at Build-A-Bear this weekend.  Today, after school, she squeezed it and said (with tears in her eyes, and I quote), "I just wish to the world that everyone would hug their dogs tighter."  My animal activist in the making.

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