Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love and Other Stuff

It's been almost a week since I've posted anything on your blog, but it's not that I've forgotten about it.  Not at all.  I think I've been having way too much fun with you this week to even think about taking time out to blog.  I don't know what it is about a four month old baby that is so special, but I'm pretty sure it's the "magic hour."  Like how the light for photography is best an hour after sunrise and before sunset.  Or like the extra hour of Disney theme park time awarded to resort guests.  Four months is magical for sure.  Old enough to play, laugh and be happy to see you walk in the room, yet not old enough to move around, make messes or scream every time you walk out of the room.  I have no complaints about the months before and after this magical time, but I am soaking up every bit of four month old time and attention that you have to offer.  

Last week we celebrated your first Valentines Day.  I'd like to say that it was a sparkly, pink and red special day, but mostly it was a regular day.  We did make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, all from scratch.  You sat in your Bumbo Seat and watched every step with sincere curiosity.  I did my best to show some restraint and not eat that frosting straight out of the bowl.  You're starting to show a lot of interest in what we put in our mouths, and I will use that as motivation to make sure you see healthy eating habits every chance I get.  But that frosting was delish!  I wish you could have tasted it.  Next year, perhaps.  We also snatched up the balloons your Grammy brought over and snapped some pictures.  I have to laugh at myself for imagining the Pinterest photos of toddlers in wheat fields with balloons in their hands.  You can't even sit on your own, let alone stand or hold the balloons.  And we live in Florida, not Kansas.  There's not a wheat field to be found for hundreds, if not thousands, of miles.  Still, you make my heart skip a beat in these pictures.  

Balloons?  Check.  Wheat field?  We'll work on that one.

I thought we'd start listing what you are currently into, month by month.  Honestly, you're just now truly starting to have an opinion about much of anything, so I think we're right on time with this new little feature.  So without any further ado, I bring you: 
What Finnlee's Digging: 4 Months
  • Your Bumbo Seat: That purple little wedge of foam may trap your thighs like vice grips, but it lets you sit up like the big kids.  I love that it takes up very little room and lets you hang with mommy while getting to see all of the action (I need to buy the add-on tray now that you're playing with toys)
  • Your Sling: An oldie but a goodie.  We are both still in love with the sling and everything about baby-wearing.  You are so snug and comfy in there that you fall asleep for the boring stuff (grocery shopping) but get a bird's eye view for the fun stuff (picking Sydney up from the bus stop), and I can actually hold you close and use both hands.  Genius.  Plus it's so pretty.
  • Your Skip Hop Hug & Hide Owl toy: Our Target clearance score from last week has turned out to be a winner.  You can't take your eyes or hands off of its crinkly wings, wooden ring and fuzzy face.  It's practically as big as you, but I've already learned to throw it in the diaper bag for even a short trip out.
As of this week, you have a few new tricks up your sleeve.  You've started squealing with delight when gurgling just isn't enough.  I always love happy baby squeals and yours are spectacular.  Your sisters come running when they hear it just to ask if it was really you making all of that noise.  You also started laughing at things you think are funny.  I used to have to tickle you to get a giggle, but now I can give you a silly look when we're playing or laugh along with you and you'll laugh a grunty laugh without me even touching you.  Opinions.  Sense of humor.  You're developing quite a few grown up features, Little One.  How can someone seem so big and so small at the same time?  Tomorrow we go to your four month checkup.  I dislike doctor appointments because I hate to see you get shots and stripped down only to be poked and prodded.  But it's good to see how much you've grown since your last appointment.  Plus, you've had an issue or two that makes me wonder if you have the same milk allergy that Kylee had when she was little.  I truly hope not.  Hopefully we get some answers tomorrow.  For now, I need to get you back in your bed.  You've had some difficulty staying asleep tonight, and right now you are quite literally sleeping, sitting up, next to me on the couch.  As cute as it is, I really need to put you in a proper bed.  Sweet dreams, Sweet Pea.

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